Thursday, April 10, 2008

observed picking up a "girl" who waved/beckoned him over at approx. 4:00 on April 8th by observant resident. Possibly picking up a niece or sister!!!


islandbluejae said...

FYI there has been a lot more activity at the corner of Robarts and Victoria. Unfortunately, because of the trees, I haven't been able to see too much. But the girls are out there, one at a time, every day.

(I should start charging rent!)

Dear John Nanaimo said...

anytime you got a number and description, Islandbluejae....I can't see that far. We have a couple more eyes and cameras out there now...

eggomaniac said...

please, someone explain why it's okay to massage parlor prostitution? NOi Pin andcozy Nook and Island works are all documented